Pixel Blade التطبيقات

A-Star 0.3
Pixel Blade
**BETA v0.3**This was done as a school project in only 3 weeks.Therequirement was that it had to do with the A* search algorithm.Ifinished the class with an A+! Thanks to those who helped mefindbugs/crashes.A-Star is a strategy game that involves getting yourautonomousrobot to the goal at the center faster than youropponents. You candrag and drop blocks into opponent's paths,attack, and mostimportantly you can change their searchalgorithm.1. Attack - Touch your opponent and select "Attack". Thiswillfreeze him for a few seconds.2. Blocks - Touch any brown block and drag it to an openlocation.Try to block your opponents.3. Algorithms - Touch your opponent and select "Algorithm".Thiswill change the path your opponent takes:a. Erratic - Robots avoid random cells.b. Love Blocks - Robots move closer to blocks.c. Scared of Blocks - Robots stay away from blocks.
Galaxy Hero [RPG] 2.13
Pixel Blade
Galaxy Hero is a top-scrolling shoot-em-up RPG hybrid. Blastthrough waves of enemies using various weapons and earn experiencepoints to increase your spaceship's power. Clear stages on theWorld Map to unlock new areas. Buy items to recover health,increase critical hits, slow down time, or unleash powerfulattacks. Equip weapons of different elements to deal greater damageto elemental enemies. Install drives to change your ship'sabilities. The number of items, enemies, stages, and weaponsincreases with each update. Check the forums or wiki page forinformation on upcoming changes. As an independent developer and atrue lover of video games, here are my promises to you: 1. I willNEVER remove content in order to sell a "full-version". 2. I willNEVER degrade a game by showing ads. 3. I will NEVER add in-gamepurchases which give advantages to those who pay. The best gamesare made by those who play. Long live the independent developer!Explanation of permissions: INTERNET: Used for sending high scores,save backups, and crash data to the database. PHONE CALLS: Requiredfor getting a phone's unique Android ID. This ID is used in thedatabase to store save games by device. HARDWARE CONTROLS: Thephone shakes a bit when the player is hit. Can be turned off.BLUETOOTH: Used for Zeemote JS1 joystick support and other futurebluetooth devices. Only used if joystick is enabled.
Galaxy Hero (Donate Version) 2.13
Pixel Blade
A top-scrolling shoot-em-up RPG hybrid.